One of the most common causes of wood decay in buildings is rot. It can occur in old and modern homes alike. Wet rot and dry rot are the two most common types of rot. Both come as a result of fungal decay in wood used for building.

What is Wet Rot

Wet rot is the most widespread type of wood decay. The term wet rot refers to different varieties of brown or white rot fungus. It appears due to building faults or in areas that have been exposed to damp for a prolonged period of time. Wood built into walls, or in constant touch with damp masonry is most vulnerable to wet rot.

In simple terms, wet rot in wood occurs due to exposure to high moisture. All types of wood found throughout your home can be affected by it. Wet rot can often be difficult to spot, so it’s advisable to seek the help of an expert when suspecting its presence. It’s very different from dry rot, which is even more serious than wet rot, so it’s imperative that these conditions are never confused.

Wet Rot Related services in London

  • 01Wet Rot Prevention & TreatmentsRead more
  • 02What is Wet RotRead more
  • 03What Causes Wet RotRead more
  • 04Wet Rot vs Dry RotRead more
  • 05Symptoms of Wet RotRead more
  • 06How to stop Wet RotRead more
  • 07How to Prevent Wet RotRead more

What Causes Wet Rot

The first step to properly dealing with rot issues is to identify what is causing it. In most cases, it’s moisture in the wood. Moisture is perfect for the appearance and growth of wood-destroying fungus. The results are damaged woods due to dry or wet rot. The development and spreading of these two wood conditions only occur if the environmental conditions for them are perfect.

All types of wood that are constantly exposed to moisture can be hit by wet rot. There are a number of reasons leading to it, such as a roof leak, burst pipes, a badly connected washing machine, a leak of any kind in the house, etc. All these examples and more will most likely trigger wet rot.

There are two types of fungi which can cause wet rot: Coniophora puteana (black) or Fibroporia vaillantii (white). The most likely places for wet rot to start spreading are bathrooms, basements and outbuildings since these rooms offer perfect damp conditions for it. Although wet rot is far less serious than dry rot, it can lead to catastrophic consequences if not treated properly, such as major structural damage to your home.

Damp rooms within the house which lack air circulation are the perfect places for the formation of wood-decaying fungi. One of the most frequent questions we get is “How to tell the difference between wet and dry rot?” The answer is quite simple; wet rot only forms in places with abnormally high moisture levels.

Wet rot needs constant moisture exposure to survive and spread. You should notice signs of wet rot in places with bad plumbing, gutters, downpipes and stone pointing. When a piece of wood is exposed to high levels of moisture for a prolonged period of time it will eventually start to form fungal spores, which make it lose its strength and integrity, making it highly likely to break and cause serious structural damage.

If the moisture level in a particular room is over 20% there is an increased chance of wet rot. The higher the moisture level, the higher the likelihood of wet rot developing. In many cases, high moisture is caused by rainwater built up somewhere where it shouldn’t be. This can be caused by faulty gutters, damaged roof or holes in the external walls. Addressing these issues in time will greatly reduce the risk of wet rot. Areas with moisture levels of less than 20% can’t be hit with wet rot.

Rising damp and condensation can also be the causes of wet rot development. To summarize, any type of continuous exposure of wood to moisture allows for the formation of wet rot spores.

The best way to prevent possible wood rot is to address and fix any ventilation or damp issues, especially before it’s too late.

What are the Signs of Wet Rot?

Decaying wood can lead to major structural issues in your home, which is why it is extremely important to detect and identify wet rot early. This is what you should look out for:

  • Distorted, discoloured, soft and cracking wood
  • Loss of strength of the wood
  • Easily noticeable fungal growth on the wood
  • Damp smell in particular areas of the home

The first step to preventing wet rot is to eliminate the source of moisture. If done properly and early enough wet rot will disappear on its own since it requires constant moisture to grow. Sometimes, it’s not so simple, and if the damage is too big, the affected wood needs to be removed and replaced completely. The area around it should be treated with an anti-fungal spray as well.

You should also have the wood in other rooms treated with a protectant in order to prevent future risks of wet or dry rot. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

How to Tell which Wood Rot You Have

If you can’t determine the type of wood rot you are dealing with, it’s best to call a professional. Our team of wood rot experts can help you correctly identify the issue and recommend appropriate action.

Our company is a member of the Property Care Association and Trust Mark. All our treatments are covered by a 10 years guarantee. Call now on 020 7971 1329 to get professional advice or to make a booking to have your home inspected by an expert. Your call is free.

Southern Damp Proofing surveyors specialize in wet rot treatment and eradication. Their team of experienced professionals will offer you a solution which will keep wet rot issues away from your home for good.

Speak to a Wet Rot Specialist

If you suspect you’re having wet rot issues in your home, act now to make sure they are adequately addressed and treated by calling Southern Damp Proofing now.