Symptoms of Wet Rot

Timber is a very delicate substance such that it being exposed to relative humidity can result in unpleasant mouldy after effects. Water is another agent that can affect timber. Timber naturally has low water resistance, which means various waterproofing and damp proofing techniques needs to be applied when it’s used as part of the building structure.

Timber is not only used for walling in properties but also in bathrooms, basements, crawl spaces, and even in some instances as support for high-strength concrete. The application is virtually endless and underlines useful timber really is.

When timber isn’t properly maintained, rot signs start to appear. These signs are often dark in colour and referred to as black mould. This doesn’t solely occur as a result of dampness but also occurs in cases where the wood is old. Rots occur in numerous ways with the most common being the wet and dry rot, both caused by fungus decay. Wet rot occurs as a result of penetrative damp conditions where the timber is infiltrated by fungus due to water exposure. This type of fungus rot is more common in the regions of the home where water is used such as kitchens, and bathrooms and cabinets are exposed to constant humid conditions. Wet rot is also common in areas around the house with rising damp conditions that occur as a result of the area being relatively cool by nature. Regions such as cellars, crawl spaces and windows. If not treated early, wet rot can result in the timber losing its physical toughness which can compromise the structural integrity of the property

Identifying wet rot can be a little tricky if not done by a professional as symptoms can sometimes bare a striking resemblance to those of dry rot. However, here are a number of features you can use in identifying them in any building.

Wet Rot Related services in London

  • 01Wet Rot Prevention & TreatmentsRead more
  • 02What is Wet RotRead more
  • 03What Causes Wet RotRead more
  • 04Wet Rot vs Dry RotRead more
  • 05Symptoms of Wet RotRead more
  • 06How to stop Wet RotRead more
  • 07How to Prevent Wet RotRead more

Damaged painting

Having a timber with its painting peeled off or looking flaky is a clear indication of wet rot. Paint over time can wear off, so you need to be sure the root cause is wet rot. In any case, you can try piercing the timber with a knife or any sharp object. If you can easily push in the sharp object through the timber then it’s likely a case of wet rot.

Weakened floorboards.

If you notice a squeaky sound under your feet, then you should make investigations. You can also observe if the floor bends or gives out a springy feeling as that’s a more obvious sign that you might have a wet rot issue to deal with.

Sawdust residues.

Sawdust residues are never a good sign from wood as they probably indicate the presence of wear or an agent that’s making the wood porous. Sawdust residue are well accustomed to termites (wood-boring weevils) being present which means the internals of the wood are being exposed. This makes water and dampness easily penetrate the wood thereby destroying it in the process.

Awkward smell.

Wood, when damp, gives off an awkward damp smell that’s near impossible to miss. Just about any material when damp gives off a different smell with timber being no exception.

Fungus growth.

Having fungus grow on timber is often a sign that severe damage has already been done. Wet rot isn’t often attributed to growths but if present, comes in the form of white mushrooms, or take the form of line patterns along the surface of the wood.

These growths can be whitish, brownish or blackish in colour making them very easy to notice. Dampness can affect the overall beauty of any home if not properly checked as

wallpaper designs,

paints, and other walling and floor designs can be damaged. How can you curb these issues? Well, for one, using water-repellent substances can help a lot. Ensure all bolts and knots are screwed tight thereby enforcing damp proofing in the process. You can also make sure hoses are watertight and use mould killers regularly to better maintain your wood fittings.

There’s often the belief that moulds are only present in wooden structures but homes made with cement are no exception. Cement requires water for its mixture so it’s only natural to expect moulds to be present. In such case, it is advisable that you pay close attention to any wooden fittings by applying coatings that ensure the long life span of the wood.

The best results are though better attained when a professional is involved and we offer such services to those who need them. Need help on removing toxic moulds, ensuring your woods are damp proof and knowledge of actions that could result in raising damp instances? Please feel free to contact us at 020 7971 1329